Hi All,
In the past I have used Samba in a good way, as now in some different
setup with existing FreeIPA for my DNS (which will be seperated later)
and user management I'm searching for information what I can do with
two together as there is a Ldap difference as know.
As I use FreeIPA and I want to avoid Linux and Windows not mixed on
the same AD server I want to stay with FreeIPA, also the management
and GUI is very nice and support is great.
I discussed with Ab on IRC that there is still an issue with FreeIPA
and Samba as Samba doesn't support a crossed forest yet and we need
this for FreeIPA to work with Samba, this need some polishing in the
future and will be fixed.
While searching I see lot of people claiming they run Samba4 with
FreeIPA and user auth, etc. As I know Ab is the guys to give me the
right information I wonder what these people have done here or maybe
don't run a full AD for Windows clients this way.
Also, what would the best be setup for the moment that I can use and
AD for Windows client and fix it later on with IPA when it's possible
As I clouldn't find the asnwer I'm asking here.