Hi folks!
I finally released the first Beta of Markdownify - the HTML to Markdown
converter for PHP. It is the successor to the old `html2text.php` and is much
more stable. It's pretty much a complete rewrite and supports all Markdown
and PHP Markdown Extra syntax features.
It's beta since I still have to add a word wrapping feature and
inside block elements" is not yet working for PHP Markdown Extra.
If you want to try it, just download the beta package from here:
This package only contains three classes:
1. `parsehtml.php`: a HTML parser I wrote
2. `markdownify.php`: the Markdownify Class for standard Markdown syntax
3. `markdownify_extra.php`: the analogous class for PHP Markdown Extra syntax
How to use Markdown can be read on it's website:
There's also a little demo page which highlights differences:
If you want to get more into development or if you want to convince yourself
of it's stability I urge you to checkout the sourcecode via SVN:
Most notably you will want `trunk/markdownify` and `trunk/test`. Then go to
the test folder (CLI!) and e.g. run the following:
For Markdownify Extra run:
./regressions.sh --extra
For a quick overview run (`--extra` is optional):
./regressions.sh --profile [--extra]
If you want to try a given testcase use `test.php` with the options above and
those below:
--suite [1|2|3] which test suite to use, defaults to 1
1: Markdown
2: PHP Markdown
3: PHP Markdown Extra
--test "NAME" try testcase "NAME" (without `.text`
or `.(x)html`)
--show INT show testcase number INT
Those should be the most important parameters. I'll add a `--help` argument
So happy hacking! If you could, please do a code review and send me patches or
just notify me of glitches! Also any bugs etc. would most appreciated on the
Have fun, I'm off to my first day at university ;-)
Milian Wolff
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