Hi all,
thanks for making Tinc available - it works well and I managed to get a decent
configuration going in only a few hours, great :)
I am building a VPN for my cloud servers (hosted at DigitalOcean, they use Linux
and KVM). I am on Ubuntu 12.04 with Kernel 3.0.8-36, and tinc is at version
From a functional point of view, everything works like a charm! But I am
wondering, if there is a way to improve the throughput? I used ?iperf? to gather
some rough data; when I connect iperf to the public or private interface
(DigitalOcean has a private network option, however it is only private to *all*
of their customers, not only me, hence I opted for tinc), I get roughly 200MB/s
throughput, when I connect through tinc?s tun0 interface, I get only 20MB/s. I
also noticed that tinc is fully saturating the CPU.
I was wondering if you have any suggestions to get more throughput, e.g. do you
think it is worthwhile to try and compile the latest, pre-release version of
tinc, or maybe apply some kernel tuning options when running inside a VM?
Many thanks, J?rgen
my configs:
Name = bob
AddressFamily = ipv4
BindToInterface = eth1
DirectOnly = yes
Mode = switch
Broadcast = no
Forwarding = off
LocalDiscovery = yes
Interface = tun0
ConnectTo = alice
# I also tried a minimal config, with only ?Name?, ?AddressFamily? and
?Interface? - it did not make any difference
Address = 10.128.x.y
Subnet =
Subnet =
cat tinc-up
ifconfig $INTERFACE netmask
Startup logs:
=========tincd -D -d5 -n myvpn
tincd 1.0.16 (Jul 27 2011 12:56:56) starting, debug level 5
/dev/net/tun is a Linux tun/tap device (tap mode)
Executing script tinc-up
Listening on port 655
Read packet of 90 bytes from Linux tun/tap device (tap mode)
Sending MTU probe length 1459 to bob (10.128.a.b port 655)
Sending MTU probe length 1459 to bob (10.128.a.b port 655)
Got MTU probe length 1459 from bob (10.128.a.b port 655)
Received packet of 90 bytes from bob (10.128.a.b port 655)
Broadcasting packet of 90 bytes from bob (10.128.a.b port 655)
Writing packet of 90 bytes to Linux tun/tap device (tap mode)
Fixing MTU of bob (10.128.a.b port 655) to 1459 after 8 probes
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