It will be really wonderful if R can run on JVM.
So you moved from github ( to BitBucket ?
On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 9:33 AM, Michael Haupt
> Dear all,
> at UseR! 2013, the FastR project was announced by Tomas Kalibera, Petr
> Maj, and Jan Vitek. FastR is an implementation of the R programming
> language in Java using AST interpretation and specialisation for improved
> performance. Since, the implementation has been extended to support JIT
> compilation, leading to performance improvements.
> The goal of the project is to further the R community and its success by
> hoping to make the R language even higher-level and faster to meet
> continually evolving challenges. The implementation currently lacks many of
> R's features, such as data frames, S3/S4, packages, graphics, ..., but
> is growing.
> At this time, FastR is a collaborative effort of Purdue University,
> Johannes-Kepler-University Linz, and Oracle Labs. Contributions in all
> possible forms - tests, code, bug fixes, design hints, criticism - are very
> welcome!
> I would like to point the R developers to the FastR project page, now on
> BitBucket: The project mailing list is at
> Best regards,
> Michael Haupt
> --
> Dr. Michael Haupt
> Principal Member of Technical Staff
> Phone: +49 331 200 7277, Fax: +49 331 200 7561
> Oracle Labs
> Oracle Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG, Schiffbauergasse 14, 14467 Potsdam,
> Germany
> ______________________________________________
> mailing list
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