# Centos 6.3 # Shorewall Version : 4.5.4 (from repo -- epel) I was debating whether or not to write an init script for Ipset to load before Shorewall or try using dynamic zones and /etc/shorewall/init to populate a dynamic zone. I decided to use dynamic zones but ran into the following error. Error: Feb 3 21:13:03 Loading Modules... Feb 3 21:13:05 Compiling /etc/shorewall/zones... Feb 3 21:13:05 ERROR: Invalid Option (dynamic_shared) /etc/shorewall/zones (line 14) *HOSTS* #ZONE HOST(S) OPTIONS usa eth0:dynamic *INTERFACES* #ZONE INTERFACE OPTIONS net eth0 dhcp *ZONES* #ZONE TYPE OPTIONS IN OUT # OPTIONS OPTIONS fw firewall net ipv4 usa:net ipv4 dynamic_shared ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Managing the Performance of Cloud-Based Applications Take advantage of what the Cloud has to offer - Avoid Common Pitfalls. Read the Whitepaper. http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=121051231&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk