Just lately I've been configuring some data collection on a number of machines (all Debian). All of these scripts do nothing more than "collect some data, use rrdtool ... --daemon ..." to send it to a central point where it's stored and graphed. None of these remote machines do any storage or graphing themselves. I was wondering (before I go and put a feature request in the Debian bug tracker) how hard it would be to make a package which omitted all the storage, consolidation, and graphing code - and hence dropped the dependencies on the font and graphing tools/libraries ? I assume it would be easier if the upstream source includes a config/compile time option for it ? As a side effect, a couple of the machine I would like to add it to are running older versions (as far back as Lenny). I assume I might stand a slight chance of manually installing later packages if there were less dependencies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Managing the Performance of Cloud-Based Applications Take advantage of what the Cloud has to offer - Avoid Common Pitfalls. Read the Whitepaper. http://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/clk?id=121051231&iu=/4140/ostg.clktrk