OK! I'm getting farther and farther! :) I've managed to preload user and computer passwords onto a samba RODC: *sles-shire:/var/lib/samba/sysvol # samba-tool rodc preload 'win7-shire$' --server main.adlab.netdirect.ca** *Replicating DN CN=WIN7-SHIRE,CN=Computers,DC=main,DC=adlab,DC=netdirect,DC=ca Exop on[CN=WIN7-SHIRE,CN=Computers,DC=main,DC=adlab,DC=netdirect,DC=ca] objects[1] linked_values[2] *sles-shire:/var/lib/samba/sysvol # samba-tool rodc preload 'win7-shire-2$' --server main.adlab.netdirect.ca** *Replicating DN CN=WIN7-SHIRE-2,CN=Computers,DC=main,DC=adlab,DC=netdirect,DC=ca Exop on[CN=WIN7-SHIRE-2,CN=Computers,DC=main,DC=adlab,DC=netdirect,DC=ca] objects[1] linked_values[1] *sles-shire:/var/lib/samba/sysvol # samba-tool rodc preload 'bilbo' --server main.adlab.netdirect.ca** *Replicating DN CN=Bilbo Baggins,OU=Shire,OU=Offices,DC=main,DC=adlab,DC=netdirect,DC=ca Exop on[CN=Bilbo Baggins,OU=Shire,OU=Offices,DC=main,DC=adlab,DC=netdirect,DC=ca] objects[1] linked_values[2] But when I try to log onto the domain from a client on that network, I get an error "An internal error has occurred". Note that if I type an *incorrect* password for the user, I get "The user name or password is incorrect." I suspect the corresponding error in the Windows event log is related to: The Security System detected an authentication error for the server cifs/sles-shire.main.adlab.netdirect.ca. The failure code from authentication protocol Kerberos was "An internal error occurred. (0xc00000e5)". Note that this happens for users with credentials preloaded to the RODC *even if the site link is up*. Any idea what's going wrong? M. -- Michael Brown | `One of the main causes of the fall of Systems Consultant | the Roman Empire was that, lacking zero, Net Direct Inc. | they had no way to indicate successful ?: +1 519 883 1172 x5106 | termination of their C programs.' - Firth