Lawrence Krubner
2006-May-26 20:44 UTC
I can not get any scriptaculous effects to finish with items visible
I''m sorry I can''t seem to get any of the scriptaculous effects to work correctly. I''ve searched on the web forum but found nothing relevant. The only time I get an HTML element to fade or shrink gracefully is when I use them as inline handlers and feed them ''this'' instead of the HTML element id. But I can not get anything to appear. Things disappear but Appear and Grow and all the other effects that might establish visibility fail to work. This especially true of elements where an external style sheet gives them an initial value of display:none, and this remains true even if I try to use Javascript to set the display value before calling a Scriptaculous effect. Using FireFox 1.5 I never get any Javascript errors in the Javascript console, but instead, things just don''t work - things disappear but do not reappear. This causes the div to disappear but not reaapear: <div style="display:block;" id="newMailList" onclick=" Effect.Fade(''newMailList''); Effect.Appear(''newMailList''); "> <form method="post" action="/media/audio/mcControlPanel.php" id="createnewlist"> <h3>Name this list: </h3> <input type="text" name="newsletterName" class="white" /> <h3>Pick the emails for this list (<a href="javascript:;" onClick="checkAllCheckBoxInputs(''createnewlist'');">Check/Uncheck</a>):</h3> <?php showAllEmailAddressesForSending(); ?> <br /> <h3>Or add emails manually:</h3> <textarea cols="100%" rows="5" id="manualEmail" name="manualEmail"></textarea> <br /> <input type="submit" value="Save List" class="button" /> <input type="hidden" name="choiceMade" value="makeNewMailList" /> <input type="hidden" name="arrangement" value="sendEmail" /> </form> </div> and here I was hoping to use Simon Willison''s addLoad function to hand the command a reference instead of the id, since that seems to work better, but this did not work: addLoadEvent(function() { if(document.getElementById && document.getElementById("linkForNewMailList")){ var clickableItemThatWillTriggerChange document.getElementById("linkForNewMailList"); var blockElementThatShouldBeEffected document.getElementById("newMailList"); clickableItemThatWillTriggerChange.onclick function (){ "none"; new Effect.SlideDown(blockElementThatShouldBeEffected); "none"; return false; } } }); __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around