As one who loathes popups--even well intentioned ones--I''d like to
discourage you from this course of action.
Besides, several (non-IE) browsers, notably Firefox allow users to
enable javascript but disable window resizing. These settings will,
in effect, prevent a "cross-browser" solution.
I''d suggest a Google search:
Specifically, here:
If your pop-up is opened via, the call returns a
reference to your new window. Your final code will likely look
something like this:
var popup =, newWinName,
popup.resizeTo(x, y);
window.resizeTo(x2, y2);
popup.moveTo(x3, y3);
window.moveTo(x4, y4);
On Jun 14, 2006, at 9:37 AM, Jean-Philippe Encausse wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anybody have a little cross-browser piece of code
> to resize a popup ?
> Excatly, I don''t know if it is possible ?, I would like to open
> a popup on the side of an existing window like if it would be a
> tabpane.
> So reducing window width by the width of the popup, set the popup on
> the side of the window. And the best of the best: when the window is
> resize, resizing the popup also ... :-)
> I''ve done (prototype way) something that resize window, and set
> popup, but I fall in browser toolbar mess. I don''t think if it is
> possible to do something crossbrowser and clean ?
> Thanks,
> Best Regards,
> Jean-Philippe
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