Hi again, It seems that this might be related to the decorator issues. Atleast it's bitching about loading the human-style I'm using. It's weirder than that, though, since my desktop seems to be ok-good-to-go (Aside the not working rotate). I mean that decorations seem to be the same as they were earlier. -- Kalle
Hi, I just updated, with gandalfn's packages, to 0.3.6. Restarting X gave me a 'working' compiz, just that it seems that I don't get rotate-plugin to work. Windows wobble as they should, but using the <crtl><alt>left does nothing. It does not seem to rotate, unfold or the like. <alt>tab works, as does <control><alt>up for expose. What should I try next? Am i loading the plugins in wrong order or something? -- Kalle