On 14 August 2010 15:32, Abder-Rahman Ali
wrote:> At: http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html
> Under: 7.4 Generating a Controller
> I have some questions about this controller:
> class CommentsController < ApplicationController
> def create
> @post = Post.find(params[:post_id])
> @comment = @post.comments.create(params[:comment])
> redirect_to post_path(@post)
> end
> end
> * @comment = @post.comments.create(params[:comment])
> Does this statement mean: Create a new post comment passing it the
> CONTENTS of the new comment?
That''s correct. Note that the attributes for the new comment (the
content, if you like) are coming from the parameters on this request
(params[:comment]) -- in other words, the information that was
submitted via a form.
> * redirect_to post_path(@post)
> The browser will be redirected to post_path. But, what does the object
> @post represent? Is it the CURRENT post we are at?
post_path is a URL helper that gets defined when you declare
''resources :posts'' in your routes.rb. It expects one parameter
this case, you''ve given it @post), and it runs the #to_param method on
this to get an ID value to insert into the generated URL. By default,
models return their ID when you call #to_param on them, so if @post
has an ID of 7, for example, then post_path(@post) will generate:
As for what @post is, it''s not just some magic variable. If you look
earlier in your code, you actually define @post in the line:
@post = Post.find(params[:post_id])
This ''create'' action is being called via a URL like this:
so you''re looking up a Post object based on the :post_id that was
passed in in the URL. So, yes, in this case @post will contain the
''current'' post, but only because you''ve written the
code yourself to
make this happen. What you''ve got there is a common pattern for nested
resources, but do remember that @post isn''t being automatically
defined for you by Rails -- you have to look up the Post object
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