Hello All !
why freebd user can't member more than 15 group ?
my system is FreeBSD 4.8-RC
I need that scripts running
from user "master" make some changes if files that owned by other
Shurely i can set UID of master to "0" but this increace vunerability
of system.
in /etc/group I add
--- all work Ok user master member of all user1-user15 groups
(this user "master" with ID!=0 , in server polisy reasons, must have
additional right for access to fises that belong
user1 - userXX, if 775/664 right set to files)
but if i add
user "master" not member of user16 group until i remove it from any
other groups == it can not write to files that onned by
user16:user16 and rights 664/775
I search in LINT but can not find anyone according to increase GROUP
Best regards,
Mitch mailto:security@aka-root.com