On Wed, 2008-11-19 at 15:11 +0100, Mathieu Bornoz wrote:> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> I''me using nagios builtin types and I''m very surprised
that the
> parameter *name* is not available for type nagios_host ?!?
> This parameter is required to use inheritance
> (http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/objectinheritance.html) and I
> don''t understand why it is not included in all nagios types ?
> Maybe someone has an explanation or it is simply a bug?
I don''t know anything about nagios, but each Puppet resource needs a
"namevar" or title. I think the nagios type might uses this as the
nagios name parameter, at least that would make sense...
Brice Figureau
Days of Wonder http://www.daysofwonder.com/
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