On 16/04/2013 12:20, Adrian Trapletti wrote:> Dear All,
> Are there any plans around that "R CMD INSTALL
> some_package_containing_java_source code" supports Java source code
> compiling in future versions of R similar to compiling C/C++ and/or
> Fortran sources in the src directory?
> Best regards
> Adrian
No. A Java 'compiler' is not required, but if one is available is it is
set in etc/Makeconf as JAVAC.
There are many packages which ship jar files with 'compiled' Java code,
and others with .class files. It is hard to see a case for compiling at
install time rather than when preparing the package. But it would be
easy to write a suitable rule in src/Makevars.
Note that most systems will not have a JDK, only a JRE. That includes
Windows systems, but winbuilder should be able to prepare a binary
package (it needs a JDK to install rJava, JavaJD ...).
One needs to be slightly careful with Java version requirements. AFAIR
OS X Leopard systems only had 1.5 (at least for one of the
architectures) and R 2.15.x still supported Leopard (and packages are
still being built for it). Systems with Java 1.6 aka 6 are still in
widespread use, even if it past end-of-life according to Oracle.
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
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