Displaying 20 results from an estimated 42 matches for "uster".
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2007 Nov 20
how to configure mongrel_cluster in windows
how to configure mongrel_cluster in windows.
mongrel_rails cluster::configure -e development -p 3000 -N 2 i have used
this one its configured correctly then if i start the server it is
throwing error.if any one knows how to configure help me
with regards
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2004 Jan 14
How can I test if time series residuals' are uncorrelated ?
Ok I made Jarque-Bera test to the residuals (merv.reg$residual)
X-squared = 1772.369, df = 2, p-value = < 2.2e-16
And I reject the null hypotesis (H0: merv.reg$residual are normally
So I know that:
1 - merv.reg$residual aren't independently distributed (Box-Ljung test)
2 - merv.reg$residual aren't indentically
2002 Oct 21
Combinatorial Optimisation
I am looking to perform a discrete mean-variance optimisation, specifically to maximise the ratio of portfolio mean over portfolio standard deviation for a portfolio of several hundred stocks through discrete position size holdings in each stock, where all position sizes must be elements of a small finite set of integer amounts which include zero.
I don't think any of the standard R
2002 Oct 21
Combinatorial Optimisation
I am looking to perform a discrete mean-variance optimisation, specifically to maximise the ratio of portfolio mean over portfolio standard deviation for a portfolio of several hundred stocks through discrete position size holdings in each stock, where all position sizes must be elements of a small finite set of integer amounts which include zero.
I don't think any of the standard R
2020 May 03
R 4.0.0 with Intel MKL for Windows
For Windows users, some instructions how to use R 4.0.0 with Intel MKL:
Best Regards
Adrian Trapletti
Steinstrasse 9b, 8610 Uster, Switzerland
P +41 44 994 56 30 | M +41 79 103 71 31
adrian at trapletti.org | www.trapletti.org
2020 May 03
R 4.0.0 with Intel MKL for Windows
For Windows users, some instructions how to use R 4.0.0 with Intel MKL:
Best Regards
Adrian Trapletti
Steinstrasse 9b, 8610 Uster, Switzerland
P +41 44 994 56 30 | M +41 79 103 71 31
adrian at trapletti.org | www.trapletti.org
2003 Mar 04
tseries contains a class for irregularly spaced time series
...e class "irts" and I very much welcome feedback.
Dr. Adrian Trapletti Phone : +41 (0) 1 994 5631
Trapletti Statistical Computing Mobile: +41 (0)76 370 5631
Wildsbergstrasse 31 Fax : +41 (0) 1 994 5631
CH-8610 Uster Email : mailto:a.trapletti at bluewin.ch
Switzerland WWW : http://trapletti.homelinux.com
2002 Jun 14
exponential smoothing
could someone help me to write a fonction doing an exponential smoothing in
case of a multivariate time serie?
I tried
ewma <- function (x, lambda = 1, init = 0)
if (is.ts(x))
filter(lambda*x, filter=1-lambda, method="recursive", init=init)
stop(message="first argument should be a time serie")
but I can't apply that to multivariate
2002 Aug 05
Modified ARMA function
R-guRus ,
ARMA function in tseries, seems to be calculating the AR coeff 's as
coef <- lm(xx[,1]~xx[,lag$ar+1])$coef [*snipped* from around line
I'd like to modify this model with another term somewhat in these lines
lm(xx[,1] ~xx[,lag$ar+1]+mvgsignal)$coef
where mvgsignal is a moving average signal based on some indicators, the
is could i simply hack into
2002 Oct 01
High Frequency Time Series
Dear R People:
I have a weekly time series. How do I put this into the
ts command, please?
That is, what do I use for frequency, please?
R version 1.5.1 for Windows.
Thanks in advance.
mailto: hodgess at uhddx01.dt.uh.edu
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
2002 Nov 27
[No Subject]
Hi,I try to calcualte AIC or Loglik to GARCH model,But the Packege Tseries do not deal with them.How can I calculate AIC or Loglike to GARCH Model By Packege Tseries?
Free Internet Access NOW!
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2003 Jan 23
Re: R-help digest, Vol 1 #51 - 13 msgs
...et garch to run?
Use the newest version of tseries 0.9-7.
Dr. Adrian Trapletti Phone : +41 (0) 1 994 5631
Trapletti Statistical Computing Mobile: +41 (0)76 370 5631
Wildsbergstrasse 31 Fax : +41 (0) 1 994 5631
CH-8610 Uster Email : mailto:a.trapletti at bluewin.ch
Switzerland WWW : http://trapletti.homelinux.com
2003 Feb 17
Re: R-help digest, Vol 1 #80 - 14 msgs
...ybe someone can explain more formally whats going on here?
Dr. Adrian Trapletti Phone : +41 (0) 1 994 5631
Trapletti Statistical Computing Mobile: +41 (0)76 370 5631
Wildsbergstrasse 31 Fax : +41 (0) 1 994 5631
CH-8610 Uster Email : mailto:a.trapletti at bluewin.ch
Switzerland WWW : http://trapletti.homelinux.com
2003 Feb 21
GARCH with t-innovations
Dear all,
Can garch function fit also t-innovations or only Gaussian innovations?
With kind regards -- Lepo pozdravljeni -- Gr??e (Gr?ezi) --
Gorazd Brumen
Mail 1: gbrumen at student.ethz.ch
Mail 2: gorazd.brumen at fmf.uni-lj.si
Tel.: +41 (0)1 63 34906
Homepage: valjhun.fmf.uni-lj.si/~brumen
2003 Mar 04
tseries contains a class for irregularly spaced time series
...e class "irts" and I very much welcome feedback.
Dr. Adrian Trapletti Phone : +41 (0) 1 994 5631
Trapletti Statistical Computing Mobile: +41 (0)76 370 5631
Wildsbergstrasse 31 Fax : +41 (0) 1 994 5631
CH-8610 Uster Email : mailto:a.trapletti at bluewin.ch
Switzerland WWW : http://trapletti.homelinux.com
2003 Mar 13
GARCH estimation
Anyone know if there's an R package somewhere that supports estimation
of a linear regression model with GARCH error process?
There's a garch command in the tseries package, but unless I'm missing
something it is restricted to the univariate case, i.e. you can fit a
GARCH model to a single time-series but not estimate a model with
GARCH errors.
Allin Cottrell
Department of
2003 Nov 26
Correlation test in time series
I would like to know if there is a way to test no correlaction
in time series ?
cov(r_t, r_t-1)=0
And r_t are homoscedastik and independent.
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2004 Feb 03
How to build a AR(q)-GARCH(q) process ?
Hello all,
I would like how to modelized a time serie with AR-ARCH process.
It can be used arma and garch functions in tseries package for build
ar process or a garch process, but how can it be modelized a ar-garch
model ?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Oct 15
oanda and yahoo get.hist.quote
...uote from yahoo,
>and fx data from the same function from Oanda. The Oanda data has
>7-days, and the S&P data has 5. Anyone know how to get them to match up
>for the same time period?
Adrian Trapletti
Wildsbergstrasse 31
8610 Uster
Phone : +41 (0) 44 9945630
Mobile : +41 (0) 76 3705631
Email : a.trapletti at swissonline.ch
2013 Apr 16
R package with Java source code
...here any plans around that "R CMD INSTALL
some_package_containing_java_source code" supports Java source code
compiling in future versions of R similar to compiling C/C++ and/or
Fortran sources in the src directory?
Best regards
Dr. Adrian Trapletti
Steinstrasse 9b
CH-8610 Uster
Phone : +41 (0) 44 9945630
Mobile : +41 (0) 79 1037131
Email : adrian at trapletti.org
WWW : www.trapletti.org