The attached patch for src/plugins/alsa/ao_alsa.c supersedes the one I
posted last night (well, this morning actually...) The changes are:
Handling of incomplete snd_pcm_write()s that actually works (hey, I was
sleepy when I wrote the other one).
Padding of the playback buffer with zeroes to meet the N*fragment size
requirement for snd_pcm_write(). (It might be better to use stream mode
instead of block mode...and if I ever figure out how I'll let you know.)
This is done in ao_plugin_close() so it should only happen once.
Replacement of one naughty C++ (//) comment line with a proper C one.
BONUS: A whole lot of debugging messages if you define INSANE_VERBOSITY.
Note that this is for libao 0.8.0 (RC2), not CVS.
<LI>TEXT/PLAIN attachment: ao_alsa_0.5.x.patch
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