On 1/8/07, Luis Gonzalez <ghempresa@hotmail.com>
wrote:> But i miss one feature in Ogg container , i see a lot Theora videos of
> Presentations , Conference and other talking acts , all with an average
> quality (video and sound) but seeing these videos i realize the lack
> of Ogg container , subtitle support.
Have you seen Ogg Writ? It was an attempt at creating a format for
subtitles on Ogg containers. I believe it's not supported or under
development any longer, though.
Ogg2 may end up supporting subtitles natively, but its status is
quiteblurry as Monty is pretty much not working in it, which is a
shame, because Ogg1 NEEDS to be replaced.
For now, however, you may be better served with Matroska as container
for subtitles. You can mix Theora and Vorbis inside Matroska.
Matroska is not from Xiph, however, and I'm suggesting it because we
do not have a better alternative right now, not because I like it.
I believe you are not a developer, but if you are, you may want to
help with either Writ or Ogg2 development.