On 21.11.2012, at 19.34, Andreas Kasenides wrote:
> I could not determine if when using filesystem quotas
> Dovecot will use the reported quota and limits without the need of
configuring them
> via "quota_rules". Is this possible somehow? Such a feature would
determine the quota limits
> automatically from the filesystem quotas thereby allowing to make use of
them in quota warnings.
> Dovecot already knows the quota settings and limits. Here is evidence from
the logs
>> Nov 21 19:24:22 iolaos dovecot: imap(user): Debug: box=/Mail/ank
mount=/newmail match=yes
>> Nov 21 19:24:22 iolaos dovecot: imap(user): Debug: quota-fs:
host=xxxx.xxxx.ucy.xx.cy, path=/mail, uid=211, bytes
>> Nov 21 19:24:22 iolaos dovecot: imap(user): Debug: quota-fs: uid=211,
value=2779115520, limit=8388608000
> I am using (testing) version 2.2alpha1.
With fs quota Dovecot itself doesn't enforce any limits, and the limits are
read from the filesystem. So quota_rules are ignored.