Hi, I noticed something interesting when playing around with dns entries on ISC BIND9/Samba4 environment via Linux and Windows environments. When I create a dns entry in the db file of isc bind9, the entry is resolvable in both environments. If I create a dns entry via the Windows DNS Manager, then that entry is also resolvable under both environments, but why does the entry not show up in the db file? -- Best regards/Med venlig hilsen, Quinn Plattel
Hi, I noticed something interesting when playing around with dns entries on ISC BIND9/Samba4 environment via Linux and Windows environments. When I create a dns entry in the db file of isc bind9, the entry is resolvable in both environments. If I create a dns entry via the Windows DNS Manager, then that entry is also resolvable under both environments, but why does the entry not show up in the db file? qiet72