Sorry, I pressed the wrong button (tab in gmail is tricky) , here is
my message again, now more complete, and with the right subject:
I would like to write an S4 generic for 'median', but I am not sure
how to do this properly as the function does not have a "..." argument
I can do this
setGeneric("median", function(x, na.rm=FALSE)
? ? ? ?standardGeneric("median"))
but I want to be able to pass it a number of objects of the same
class, so I need a ... argument; or use signature='list' which is not
very useful.
I can do this:
setGeneric("median", function(x, ..., na.rm=FALSE)
? ? ? ?standardGeneric("median"))
setMethod('median', signature(x='ANY'),
function(x, ..., na.rm=FALSE){ x <- c(x, ...)
return(stats::median(x, na.rm=na.rm)) } )
setMethod("median", signature(x='Raster'),
? ? ? ?function(x, ..., na.rm=FALSE){
but that gives an ugly message at startup about my package hiding
median from stats.
Is there a solution for this, or does the stats::median function need
to be changed?
Thanks, Robert
> # ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rasters <- list(...)