>>>>> "HenrikB" == Henrik Bengtsson <hb at
>>>>> on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 12:51:40 -0700 writes:
HenrikB> Hi, a quick comment. I just notice that as.list() deals with
HenrikB> function:s the old way inside the "default" function,
>> as.list.default
HenrikB> function (x, ...)
HenrikB> {
HenrikB> if (typeof(x) == "list")
HenrikB> return(x)
HenrikB> if (is.function(x))
HenrikB> return(c(formals(x), list(body(x))))
HenrikB> .Internal(as.vector(x, "list"))
HenrikB> }
HenrikB> <environment: namespace:base>
HenrikB> The following should do the same thing cleaner (and faster?):
HenrikB> as.list.function <- function(x, ...)
HenrikB> {
HenrikB> c(formals(x), list(body(x)))
HenrikB> }
HenrikB> as.list.default <- function (x, ...)
HenrikB> {
HenrikB> if (typeof(x) == "list")
HenrikB> return(x)
HenrikB> .Internal(as.vector(x, "list"))
HenrikB> }
I don't think it will be faster, but definitely cleaner.
I've implemented (a version of) it for R-devel.