>>>>> "rk" == roger koenker <roger at
>>>>> on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 10:34:41 -0600 writes:
rk> I have a vector of logLik values that I'd like to return and it
rk> be nice
rk> if the the print method didn't run them together. Could I make a
rk> for
rk> using sep = " ", rather than sep = "" in
well, "yes" to the plea to make the method ameanable to better
printing of *several* values,
but "no" to just changing sep there:
We'd want to implement a change which is compatible
for the usual cases of having only one value
and your propsal would change all those outputs as well.
Wouldn't you even prefer to see something like
'log.Lik' 12.3, 7.89, 34.2 (df = 3)
i.e., with "," between the values?