Rather off topic, while acrobat reader is Adobe and authoritative,
there are a lot of other 3rd-party pdf viewers around. xpdf
(http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf/download.html) provides text search
functionally and mostly just a single binary so it shouldn't require
sysadmin installation or assistance to use. Should make your life a bit
easier when you are searching for something in big thick manuals.
Terry Therneau wrote:> All,
> Thank you for the prompt and useful answers to my questions.
> I had missed references in 5.7.6 which would have answered some of the
> As Bill pointed out a newer version of acrobat would help, but the Sun
> here is still running 5.0. (An oversubscribed sysadmin). Then I could
> searched and at at least avoided the most trivial.
> All three comments were different, and all three helped.
> Terry T.
> "I see" said the blind carpenter, as he picked up his hammer and
saw. (A
> favorite phrase of my mother's when something became clear).
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