2003-Nov-07 18:18 UTC
[Rd] Suggestions to the man page (PR#4982)
#Wishlist bug I like to suggest to add a hint regarding the system and local 'Renviron' file to the man page of R. Also, a 'man Renviron' could be of value especially for a sysadmin, who is not familar with R. sincerely Axel N?tzold Version r-base 1.8.0 on Debian GNU/Linux
Maybe Matching Threads
- Switching to git (Windows experience) (was re:[cfe-dev] GitHub anyone?)
- Rgui never processes ~/.Renviron
- Renviron settings for Linux Distributions: please tell me R Core's advice
- .Renviron and (on Windows XP)
- Debian Testing: ~/.Renviron seems to not being read (R_LIBS not set)