On Fri, 2006-08-25 at 19:27 -0400, Roy Sutton wrote:> I''ve downloaded wxPython and the demos and am trying to update our
> bigdemo. I can see some big differences in how wxRuby and wxPython
> interact on Windows. Our layout seems wrong. For example, I never
> knew the textctrl sample had more than two controls on it! I only ever
> saw the two.
Wow. Same here. Look at all those other controls!
> In the python version, the controls lay out close
> together. Secondly, on the ComboBox sample the drop-down box is the
> correct size (about 5-6 items). For me with wxRuby I only see one item
> at a time. I''ve been meaning to track that down but just
haven''t had
> time yet.
It looks like our controls are each given equal height, rather than each
only taking the height they require.
At a minimum, we could put the whole thing in a scrolling pane.
> P.S. It told me I had chinese characters the first time I sent this!
You too, eh? And like when it happened to me, there didn''t seem to be
any characters even remotely non-ascii. Very weird.