similar to: wxPython/wxRuby

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "wxPython/wxRuby"

2006 Sep 03
Status Update
I feel like I''ve mostly been banging my head against header file issues for the last couple weeks. I don''t feel like I''ve gotten any actual ''work'' done on fixing wrapping problems, adding new classes or improving the samples. I''m searching for any but haven''t found ''em. Some things I''ve noticed: 1) Some
2004 Jul 26
app state persistence. text size
hi I''ve got an MDI-based app, and when it''s restarted i''d like it to remember the contents and state (eg line pos in a TextCtrl) of the MDI Children. Any tips on how to easily marshal this sort of thing? Also, the default text size for the contents of controls (ComboBox, Text etc) is quite small on my monitor (MSWIN) - any suggestions on how to adjust this in a
2009 Jan 13
Segmentation Fault : [i386-mswin32] in wxruby
Greetings, I have created a GUI to generate a output text file using wxruby. my program codes are about ~1400 lines. ruby : 1.8.6 wxruby : 1.9.7 rails : 2.1.0 FYI, I am using the TextCtrl & combobox in the main GUI to get the output file name and main settings. after clicking the button, it will pop up another frame which let user to select and modified settings with TextCtrl & combobox.
2006 Aug 25
Patch to wxComboBox.rbw
This patch fixes the sample so it works correctly. You''ll need to patches in the previous e-mail. Roy _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2006 Aug 10
update on samples
Hi all Have been taking a look at the samples to see what''s broken. Not looking TOO bad overall, but a few problems we should try and tackle before alpha: Firstly, I have a few commits (minimal, dialogs, unicode) - anyone else been working on these or can I go ahead? One general issue is that many of the samples rely on being run from their own directory, but don''t enforce
2006 Sep 06
Patch to wxWindow.h
This patch fixes background color problems (at least on Windows). It uses the dreaded ''FIXME'' My plan for next weekend is to try building wxPython from the source to see how they manage to achieve several things with SWIG that we''re not (yet) able to. If I''m successful it might lead to wrapping a significant portion of wxWidgets more correctly than
2008 Mar 31
Mouse motion example - help
Hi, I am trying out this example adapted from the wxpython book, but the mouse motion event does not seem to be captured right. What am I doing wrong? Thanks warrior # code below require ''wx'' class MyFrame < Wx::Frame def initialize super(nil, -1, "My Frame", :size => [300,300]) @my_panel =, -1) evt_motion(){ |event|
2008 Feb 17
A bug in wxRuby. Segmentation fault in random situations.
Hello, I wrote an application in wxRuby: ruby 1.8.6 wxruby 1.9.4 installed from gem windows xp sp2 After several minutes of running it crashes with the following error: "c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:27: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13) [i386-mswin32] This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact
2004 May 22
couple of questions
Hi folks A couple of questions: 1) I seem to get funny artifacts in the display of TreeCtrl, ComboBox and ListBox when the MDI child frame containing it is first painted (see attached - it should be two-root treeview, unopened). I''m not sure if it''s related to being in a MDI, but the controls sample looks OK. The artifacts are cleared up when it''s repainted or
2008 May 11
Choosing a Sizer
Following alex advices, i''ve used both "text/textctrl.rb" and "etc/threaded.rb" to build my first wxApp. I''ve changed the Sizer type mainly (from "Wx::BoxSizer" to "Wx::FlexGridSizer"). I didn''t find the way to let @log (Wx::TextCtrl) span 2 columns. At the time of writing it''s growing only vertically. And also how to get
2004 May 01
MDI interface with sidepanel
Hi Just started with WxRuby after using Fox. Very impressed by the easy binary install and I''m already liking the native look and feel on MSW. Thanks! I''m trying to create an app with a MDI Parent Frame and a full-height (docked) side panel with various controls in it. The MDIParentFrame doesn''t work properly if I put it inside another frame with a sizer, so
2005 Sep 13
Swig hates us...
Swig is making mincemeat out of Because of the way it''s picking the ''correct'' one to call it''s calling with a null name instead of a default name. How did we fix this before?
2006 Apr 23
ComboBox patch files
The following two files correct problems with the ComboBox implementation. You will also need my typemap.i.patch file (forthcoming) in order for the void * typemap to work properly (I think). Roy _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2006 Aug 18
TreeCtrl update
The previous TreeCtrl.i was very messy and just plain wrong, for instance it had GetFirstChild as depreciated when in fact only 1 version of it was depreciated not both. I changed GetFirstChild and GetNextChild to return an array of values to match the wxPython and wxPerl usage. I also noticed that wxTreeCtrl is inherited from wxControl on Windows and wxScrolledWindow on everything else so I #if
2006 Sep 29
new crasher on bigdemo
Hi Seems that the last round of commits makes bigdemo crash fairly quickly. Guessing it''s something to do with either the Window or fixmodule change. Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory. 0x00034fbc in rb_obj_is_kind_of (obj=3825080, c=1839676) at object.c:523 523 object.c: No such file or directory. Any hints? alex
2004 Aug 19
Documents, Views and DocManagers
Hi, Are there any effort in making wxDocument, wxView, etc types of classes avaiable under wxRuby? For supporting SDI/MDI architecture. Cheers, Phuah Yee Keat
2010 May 18
gem for snow leopard?
Does anybody plan to post binary rem for SL? Id''love to rely on its availability in the installation script... As wx included in installation package makes it huge... Sergey Chernov
2004 Aug 26
wxRuby 0.5.0 has been released!
wxRuby 0.5.0 has been released and is now available for download from RubyForge at This release includes binary builds for Max OS X and MS Windows. Please report any bugs or feature requests here: Changes in this release include: * Added XRC (Xml Resource File) support. * Added totally awesome HTML widget from Tobi
2007 Nov 19
wxRuby textArea??
I want to know wxruby can make textArea like java?? I can only use textbox with it but it has problem when I must use text that has many line, it can''t new line please help me -- Posted via
2004 May 22
Tabbing between Notebook pages
Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: wxTony.rbw Type: application/octet-stream Size: 10436 bytes Desc: not available Url :