Hello Alex and Robert,
Sorry I wasn''t able to respond when I saw this, cause it takes a bit of
explanation of the ways Marshal works, to fully express what is being done,
and why Wx::Frame can''t be saved through Marshaling.
Alex, to a certain extent is correct. However, the main thing to note here,
is that Marshal simply doesn''t know how to "dump" the
information within a
Class, that doesn''t explicitly have a marsha_dump method defined on it.
primary Ruby objects / classes, such as Hash, Array, Fixnum and Bignum have
basic initialization techniques behind them, that Marshal already knows
about, and how to store them in a format that it can later re-load up.
The problem when it comes to Extensions, such as wxRuby, Ruby-Gnome/GTK,
RubyQT, Fox and so forth, is that these are formats that it doesn''t
about, and doesn''t know how to save the said data. And it''s a
good thing as
well, since most of that information, is dynamically created whenever the
application creates them. No two runnings have the same information. A
perfect comparison for this, is the handle for a Window/Frame/Widget. No
two handles are going to be the same. As with Memory actually allocated, no
two allocated addresses will be the same between runnings, as the OS finds
where it can for the Memory, and then returns that information back to the
executing program.
However, the stuff that is consistent, such as size, title or style for a
Window/Frame/Widget, or the actual data stored within a Memory Address, can
be saved, if you supply the marshal_dump method on the class, so Marshal
knows how to dump, and restore the data. As with marshal_dump, there''s
a method called marshal_load. The marshal_dump should return a string that
has the specific data in it, in which you can write to a file, the same goes
for marshal_load(), it''ll be given the string that marshal_dump
returns, so
that you can restore it.
So, you can go the route as I have suggested it, or you can do like Alex
suggest, and just store the information in a Hash, or an Array, and then
Marshal that to load, and save the data. Hope this gives you a little more
insight into how the Marshaling is handled.
Mario Steele
On 1/4/08, Alex Fenton <alex at pressure.to>
> Robert Anderson wrote:
> > Is it possible to use Marshal with wxruby classes to serialize an
> > application''s state?
> >
> > I tried a minimal example of simply serializing a minimal frame
> > object, and I get the error "no marshal_dump is defined for class
> > MinimalFrame".
> >
> > I don''t fully understand this because I also tried another
> > example of dumping a class which did not defined a marshal_dump, and
> > it worked fine. Is there some reason this has been disabled in wxruby
> > classes? Sorry, I picked up ruby a few days ago so I may be missing
> > something obvious.
> It''s not completely obvious, but I''m fairly sure
what''s happening is
> this: Marshal is able to store ordinary ruby objects that are composed,
> in the end, of core ruby types, like Float, Fixnum, String, Hash etc. So
> if you write any class just in ruby, Marshal can serialise its instances.
> Objects like a Wx::Frame, or any other ruby object that comes from a
> ruby C extension is different. It''s a wrapper or pointer to
> code (a C++ object in wxRuby). Ruby can''t serialise and restore
> objects without extra information.
> Not sure why you''d want to serialise a Wx::Frame. If
you''re interested
> in storing and restoring the size, position or layout of a Frame between
> runs, just store that information and a hash and serialise it, and then
> when the "same" window is re-opened, Marshal.load the hash and
> the settings. The first few methods in this real-life app do this sort
> of thing:
> hth
> alex
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