I just assumed that Markdown, being as big as it is, would have some proper
looking docs that's all. Not necessarily proper to you and me, but to the
entire world population. A document, or a design rather, that tries to find
a common ground. Something universal, of which I believe Google's design is
a perfect example.
I'll pray for a Markdown tutorial that doesn't look like some
tattoo. That doesn't write pages up and pages down about Markdown's
- but something straight to the point that ordinary people (non-geeks or
whatever) can easily understand.
2012/6/16 Mikkel Bang <facebookmannen at gmail.com>
> Hello!
> Is there a simpler, better designed guide to Markdown than
> http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ that I can refer my
> forum users to? Something Googleish-looking. Or do forum owners usually end
> up having to write their own guides?
> Thank you!
> Mikkel
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