On 6/2/2012 6:50 PM, Derek Lewis wrote:> Hello,
> I am rebuilding my Ubuntu 10.04 NAS to use Samba 3.6.5 for file sharing.
> Starting from the current stable tar file, I was able to configure
> although ran into problems when building. I get a list of error messages
> of the form "undefined reference":
> Do I need to wait for a patch or am I missing some libraries?
> Also, is there a list of the dependencies and their sources? Would prefer
> Debian packages if at all possible instead another source compile.
> Thank you,
> Derek
This is the list that I use:
apt-get -y install libkrb5-dev krb5-user libldap2-dev libacl1-dev
libcups2-dev libtalloc-dev libtdb-dev libwbclient0 libpam-krb5 acl attr
xinetd stunnel cups cups-pdf smbldap-tools libcap-ng-dev keyutils
libkeyutils1 libkeyutils-dev libreadline-dev libpam0g-dev uuid-dev autoconf;
and if your curious:
cd samba-${sambaVersion}/source3; \
./autogen.sh && \
./configure --with-automount --with-dnsupdate --with-winbind --with-ads
--with-pam --with-acl-support