So I''m having some problems with some of my manifests that I''ve been using for a while and I''m not entirely certain what''s going on. What appears to be happening is that puppet when it runs can''t see the value for one of the default facter facts (domain). I''m not real certain that this is the actual problem I think this is just how it''s manifesting itself currently. Here''s the error when I run puppetd --test # puppetd --test info: Retrieving facts info: Retrieving plugins notice: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]/checksum: checksum changed ''{time}Tue Jan 08 17:33:06 EST 2008'' to ''{time}Tue Jan 08 17:44:01 EST 2008'' err: Could not retrieve catalog: Failed to parse template network/resolv.erb: Could not find value for ''domain'' at /etc/puppet/modules/master/network/manifests/init.pp:15 warning: Not using cache on failed catalog the manifest in question: class network { # host specific interface details # removed b/c it''s a pita $nameservers = [ '''', '''' ] file { "resolve.conf": name => "/etc/resolv.conf", mode => 0644, owner => root, group => root, content => template("network/resolv.erb"), } } and the template: ; search domain for <%= domain %> on <%= fqdn %> <% a = domain.split(".") b = [] a.each_index {|i| b << a[i..-1] } b.pop -%> search <% for sd in b -%> <%= sd.join(".") + " " -%> <% end %> <% for ns in nameservers -%> nameserver <%= ns %> <% end -%> now if I do a very small and simple manifest ---- notice "this is domain: ${domain}" --- and run that with puppet -v it works fine, so I''m not sure what''s going on between puppet standalone and puppetd. Attached is my puppet.conf as well just for reference. Any help would be appreciated. -- -==< Stick >==- _______________________________________________ Puppet-users mailing list