Hi I am using asterisk 10.1.3 When user hangs up during playing audio files in Background used in realtime extensions with postgres I am getting this log on the console: [Feb 1 23:04:54] ERROR[4831]: res_config_pgsql.c:166 _pgsql_exec: PostgreSQL RealTime: Failed to query 'extensions_conf at asterisk'. [Feb 1 23:04:54] ERROR[4831]: res_config_pgsql.c:167 _pgsql_exec: PostgreSQL RealTime: Query Failed: SELECT * FROM extensions_conf WHERE exten LIKE '?%' AND context = 'Ivr-main' AND priority = '1' [Feb 1 23:04:54] ERROR[4831]: res_config_pgsql.c:168 _pgsql_exec: PostgreSQL RealTime: Query Failed because: ERROR: postgres invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xff (PGRES_FATAL_ERROR) In never happend during execution of other applications in realtime; always in Background. I have reported this in issues.asterisk.org/jira: https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-19291 but I also want to ask you for an opinion. My dialplan looks like this: [incoming] exten => 0XXXXXXXXX,1,Answer() ; X are to hide the number exten => 0XXXXXXXXX,2,Goto(incoming,s,10) exten => s,10,Set(TRANSFER_CONTEXT=Inside) exten => s,11,GotoIfTime(07:00-16:00,mon-fri,*,*?Ivr-main,s,1) exten => s,12,Playback(ivr/welcome&ivr/hours&ivr/thankyou) exten => s,13,Hangup() [Ivr-main] switch => Realtime/${CONTEXT}@extensions ________________________________ extensons_conf table in postgresql database id | context | exten | priority | app | appdata -----+----------+-------+----------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 190 | Ivr-main | 1 | 1 | Goto | Inside,10,1 191 | Ivr-main | 2 | 1 | Goto | Inside,11,1 192 | Ivr-main | 3 | 1 | Goto | Inside,12,1 193 | Ivr-main | 4 | 1 | Goto | Inside,13,1 194 | Ivr-main | 5 | 1 | Goto | Inside,14,1 197 | Ivr-main | h | 1 | Hangup | 195 | Ivr-main | i | 1 | Goto | Ivr-main,s,1 188 | Ivr-main | s | 1 | Wait | 1 189 | Ivr-main | s | 2 | Background | ivr/welcome2&ivr/hours&ivr/operator&ivr/sales&ivr/accountants&ivr/technical&ivr/marketing&ivr/warehouse&ivr/thankyou 196 | Ivr-main | t | 1 | Goto | Inside,10,1 198 | Ivr-main | _XX | 1 | Goto | Inside,${EXTEN},1 Does anyone have similar behaviour? What can i do to fix this? Best Regards Andrew