Hello all, I have a question about what output "ZDB -dddddd" should produce in L0 DVA fields. I expected there to be one or more same-sized references to data blocks stored in top-level vdevs (one vdev #0 in my 6-disk raidz2 pool), as confirmed by the source: http://src.illumos.org/source/xref/illumos-gate/usr/src/cmd/zdb/zdb.c#sprintf_blkptr_compact And I do see that for some of my files as singular DVA entries with blocks sized 0x30000 (I believe that''s 0x20000 = 128k data plus 0x10000 = two parities). However on one file I have a series of two DVA entries, sized 0x39000 + 0x3000. The file is not copies=2 as far as I know, but can be compressed and/or deduped. Samples of zdb output are attached below; the strange output goes on for all 47Mb of the file in 128kb increments. Can someone plz help explain these values? :) On a side note, what''s the easiest way to retrieve the block pointer (and checksum) pointing to a certain block of file''s contents, and how can I recalculate the SHA256 checksum for the block''s raw data (extracted with ZDB), so that I can see how the checksum mismatches the data and what the differences seem like? Thanks to DD I know that the error in the file is at offset of 3840 512-byte sectors and stretches 256 sectors, so it consumes the 128Kb block starting at 0x1E0000. There it is: 1e0000 L0 0:84dfa316000:39000 0:9a0d61ac000:3000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=324766192/324766192 I extracted that with ZDB, pointing it at a somewhat random DVA (since I don''t know how to properly interpret them in this case): # zdb -R pool 0:9a0d61ac000:20000 > /tmp/ext.1e0000+20000.txt # zdb -R pool 0:9a0d61ac000:20000:r > /tmp/ext.1e0000+20000.bin Now I wonder what the original BP checksum was, and how to compare it "manually"... Finally, if the file has one "segment" line in the end, does it mean that it was not deduplicated with any other blocks (and is stored contiguously)? Thanks, //Jim Klimov === ZDB output samples: strange output Dataset pool/mydata [ZPL], ID 281, cr_txg 291705, 850G, 338171 objects, rootbp DVA[0]=<0:49c1a790000:3000> DVA[1]=<0:29767208000:3000> [L0 DMU objset] sha256 lzjb LE contiguous unique double size=800L/200P birth=325604000L/325604000P fill=338171 cksum=a3688c0fe5542424:fd7669a381e1e00f:517ddd86c742e1d9:e0ec04feaef1b341 Object lvl iblk dblk dsize lsize %full type 291793 3 16K 128K 58.0M 46.4M 100.00 ZFS plain file (K=inherit) (Z=inherit) 176 bonus System attributes dnode flags: USED_BYTES USERUSED_ACCOUNTED dnode maxblkid: 370 path /dir/myfile.zip uid 1029 gid 10 atime Fri Jul 22 18:54:01 2011 mtime Fri Nov 16 08:25:04 2007 ctime Fri Jul 22 18:54:01 2011 crtime Fri Jul 22 18:53:36 2011 gen 324766191 mode 100700 size 48509480 parent 291760 links 1 pflags 40800000040 Indirect blocks: 0 L2 0:85ecc9a3000:3000 0:9b119832000:3000 4000L/400P F=371 B=324766199/324766199 0 L1 0:856a554f000:6000 0:9b094233000:6000 4000L/1a00P F=128 B=324766194/324766194 0 L0 0:8512195c000:39000 0:9b012003000:3000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=324766191/324766191 20000 L0 0:8512195f000:39000 0:9b012006000:3000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=324766191/324766191 40000 L0 0:85121962000:39000 0:9b012009000:3000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=324766191/324766191 60000 L0 0:85121965000:39000 0:9b01200c000:3000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=324766191/324766191 80000 L0 0:85121968000:39000 0:9b01200f000:3000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=324766191/324766191 ... 2dc0000 L0 0:85e17e45000:39000 0:9b109acd000:3000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=324766199/324766199 2de0000 L0 0:85e1b865000:39000 0:9b10b576000:3000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=324766199/324766199 2e00000 L0 0:85e1b868000:39000 0:9b10b579000:3000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=324766199/324766199 2e20000 L0 0:85e1b86b000:39000 0:9b10b57c000:3000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=324766199/324766199 2e40000 L0 0:85e1b874000:39000 0:9b10b585000:3000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=324766199/324766199 segment [0000000000000000, 0000000002e60000) size 46.4M === ZDB output samples: expected output Most other files, including those on deduped datasets, have expected-looking entries going like this: Indirect blocks: 0 L2 0:ac8ccf22000:3000 0:923f8364000:3000 4000L/600P F=1176 B=325189629/325189629 0 L1 0:ac8b8b7f000:6000 0:923efca3000:6000 4000L/1800P F=128 B=325189615/325189615 0 L0 0:ac8b5a65000:30000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=325189613/325189613 20000 L0 0:ac8b5a95000:30000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=325189613/325189613 40000 L0 0:ac8b5ac5000:30000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=325189613/325189613 ... //Jim