I'm moderating the samba-technical mailing list. This post is more appropriate on samba at lists.samba.org So I'll just answer on this one and discard the post on samba-technical < Hi, < I have to linux server and using samba beetwen all win xp and win7 clients. < I need to have som SAN box that working az raid 5 and backup. < What I find is just supporting windows OS not Linux. < Do you have any sugastion? < Thanks a lot, < Best regards, < Nasrin Khatami, < nasrink at skarpnack.fhsk.se Don't mix up SAN and NAS, both are 2 different things ;) You are probably talking about a NAS than a SAN What do you mean about "just supporting windows and not Linux"? If they support SMB/CIFS or any protocol such as FTP, SSH, etc., you'll be able to use them from your Linux _________________________________________________________________ Learn more ways to connect with your buddies now http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9734388
NetGear and Buffalo make lower cost "workgroup" NAS server. But this isn't really a samba question. You want to decide SAN vs NAS. There is a big range of stuff out there - you may want to talk to a reseller if your company uses one. NetApp is a higher end vendor. EMC and Sun are the big $$$ products. I bought a cheap 1 disk "user size" NAS appliance from netgear. I had to return it. It was using linux with a version of samba that was not compatible with the version of samba running on my PDC. I was unable to join it to the Samba domain which meant I could not apply user permissions to the files on the NAS. I could not rebuild samba myself and there were no patches from the vendor. NAS can be nice if you want your end user PC's to be able to access files directly from the appliance. And you can use it for backups if you want to rsync data from your servers to it. If you want to add more disk space to a server, SAN is they want to go. The server will see the space on the SAN as a block-type "disk" device, not a network share. SAN is really most useful when you want to share a disk storage appliance between multiple servers- e.g. 70 % might be to add disk space to one server and 30 % might be for another server. SAN is also useful if you are into fail over and virtualization. Beyond the scope of this discussion. -----Original Message----- From: samba-bounces at lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] On Behalf Of Yannick Bergeron Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:36 PM To: nasrink36 at yahoo.com; samba at lists.samba.org Subject: Re: [Samba] Help to buy a SAN server I'm moderating the samba-technical mailing list. This post is more appropriate on samba at lists.samba.org So I'll just answer on this one and discard the post on samba-technical < Hi, < I have to linux server and using samba beetwen all win xp and win7 clients. < I need to have som SAN box that working az raid 5 and backup. < What I find is just supporting windows OS not Linux. < Do you have any sugastion? < Thanks a lot, < Best regards, < Nasrin Khatami, < nasrink at skarpnack.fhsk.se Don't mix up SAN and NAS, both are 2 different things ;) You are probably talking about a NAS than a SAN What do you mean about "just supporting windows and not Linux"? If they support SMB/CIFS or any protocol such as FTP, SSH, etc., you'll be able to use them from your Linux _________________________________________________________________ Learn more ways to connect with your buddies now http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9734388 -- To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
NetGear and Buffalo make lower cost "workgroup" NAS server. But this isn't really a samba question. You want to decide SAN vs NAS. There is a big range of stuff out there - you may want to talk to a reseller if your company uses one. NetApp is a higher end vendor. EMC and Sun are the big $$$ products. I bought a cheap 1 disk "user size" NAS appliance from netgear. I had to return it. It was using linux with a version of samba that was not compatible with the version of samba running on my PDC. I was unable to join it to the Samba domain which meant I could not apply user permissions to the files on the NAS. I could not rebuild samba myself and there were no patches from the vendor. NAS can be nice if you want your end user PC's to be able to access files directly from the appliance. And you can use it for backups if you want to rsync data from your servers to it. If you want to add more disk space to a server, SAN is they want to go. The server will see the space on the SAN as a block-type "disk" device, not a network share. SAN is really most useful when you want to share a disk storage appliance between multiple servers- e.g. 70 % might be to add disk space to one server and 30 % might be for another server. SAN is also useful if you are into fail over and virtualization. Beyond the scope of this discussion. -----Original Message----- From: samba-bounces at lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] On Behalf Of Yannick Bergeron Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:36 PM To: nasrink36 at yahoo.com; samba at lists.samba.org Subject: Re: [Samba] Help to buy a SAN server I'm moderating the samba-technical mailing list. This post is more appropriate on samba at lists.samba.org So I'll just answer on this one and discard the post on samba-technical < Hi, < I have to linux server and using samba beetwen all win xp and win7 clients. < I need to have som SAN box that working az raid 5 and backup. < What I find is just supporting windows OS not Linux. < Do you have any sugastion? < Thanks a lot, < Best regards, < Nasrin Khatami, < nasrink at skarpnack.fhsk.se Don't mix up SAN and NAS, both are 2 different things ;) You are probably talking about a NAS than a SAN What do you mean about "just supporting windows and not Linux"? If they support SMB/CIFS or any protocol such as FTP, SSH, etc., you'll be able to use them from your Linux _________________________________________________________________ Learn more ways to connect with your buddies now http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9734388 -- To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
Another option is http://www.openfiler.com/ open source etc. Best regards, Dave Wynne Senior Engineer Artimech Pty. Ltd. MiniFab 1 Dalmore Drive Scoresby, Vic 3179 Australia Tel: (03) 9753 3700 Fax: (03) 9753 3711 Email: dave at artimech.com.au Please Visit Our Website www.artimech.com.au Information Contained Within This Communication Is Private and In Confidence -----Original Message----- From: samba-bounces at lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] On Behalf Of Gaiseric Vandal Sent: Thursday, 17 June 2010 11:28 To: samba at lists.samba.org Subject: Re: [Samba] Help to buy a SAN server NetGear and Buffalo make lower cost "workgroup" NAS server. But this isn't really a samba question. You want to decide SAN vs NAS. There is a big range of stuff out there - you may want to talk to a reseller if your company uses one. NetApp is a higher end vendor. EMC and Sun are the big $$$ products. I bought a cheap 1 disk "user size" NAS appliance from netgear. I had to return it. It was using linux with a version of samba that was not compatible with the version of samba running on my PDC. I was unable to join it to the Samba domain which meant I could not apply user permissions to the files on the NAS. I could not rebuild samba myself and there were no patches from the vendor. NAS can be nice if you want your end user PC's to be able to access files directly from the appliance. And you can use it for backups if you want to rsync data from your servers to it. If you want to add more disk space to a server, SAN is they want to go. The server will see the space on the SAN as a block-type "disk" device, not a network share. SAN is really most useful when you want to share a disk storage appliance between multiple servers- e.g. 70 % might be to add disk space to one server and 30 % might be for another server. SAN is also useful if you are into fail over and virtualization. Beyond the scope of this discussion. -----Original Message----- From: samba-bounces at lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] On Behalf Of Yannick Bergeron Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:36 PM To: nasrink36 at yahoo.com; samba at lists.samba.org Subject: Re: [Samba] Help to buy a SAN server I'm moderating the samba-technical mailing list. This post is more appropriate on samba at lists.samba.org So I'll just answer on this one and discard the post on samba-technical < Hi, < I have to linux server and using samba beetwen all win xp and win7 clients. < I need to have som SAN box that working az raid 5 and backup. < What I find is just supporting windows OS not Linux. < Do you have any sugastion? < Thanks a lot, < Best regards, < Nasrin Khatami, < nasrink at skarpnack.fhsk.se Don't mix up SAN and NAS, both are 2 different things ;) You are probably talking about a NAS than a SAN What do you mean about "just supporting windows and not Linux"? If they support SMB/CIFS or any protocol such as FTP, SSH, etc., you'll be able to use them from your Linux _________________________________________________________________ Learn more ways to connect with your buddies now http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9734388 -- To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba -- To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
Another option is http://www.openfiler.com/ or http://freenas.org/ open source etc. Best regards, Dave Wynne Senior Engineer Artimech Pty. Ltd. MiniFab 1 Dalmore Drive Scoresby, Vic 3179 Australia Tel: (03) 9753 3700 Fax: (03) 9753 3711 Email: dave at artimech.com.au Please Visit Our Website www.artimech.com.au Information Contained Within This Communication Is Private and In Confidence -----Original Message----- From: samba-bounces at lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] On Behalf Of Gaiseric Vandal Sent: Thursday, 17 June 2010 11:28 To: samba at lists.samba.org Subject: Re: [Samba] Help to buy a SAN server NetGear and Buffalo make lower cost "workgroup" NAS server. But this isn't really a samba question. You want to decide SAN vs NAS. There is a big range of stuff out there - you may want to talk to a reseller if your company uses one. NetApp is a higher end vendor. EMC and Sun are the big $$$ products. I bought a cheap 1 disk "user size" NAS appliance from netgear. I had to return it. It was using linux with a version of samba that was not compatible with the version of samba running on my PDC. I was unable to join it to the Samba domain which meant I could not apply user permissions to the files on the NAS. I could not rebuild samba myself and there were no patches from the vendor. NAS can be nice if you want your end user PC's to be able to access files directly from the appliance. And you can use it for backups if you want to rsync data from your servers to it. If you want to add more disk space to a server, SAN is they want to go. The server will see the space on the SAN as a block-type "disk" device, not a network share. SAN is really most useful when you want to share a disk storage appliance between multiple servers- e.g. 70 % might be to add disk space to one server and 30 % might be for another server. SAN is also useful if you are into fail over and virtualization. Beyond the scope of this discussion. -----Original Message----- From: samba-bounces at lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] On Behalf Of Yannick Bergeron Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 7:36 PM To: nasrink36 at yahoo.com; samba at lists.samba.org Subject: Re: [Samba] Help to buy a SAN server I'm moderating the samba-technical mailing list. This post is more appropriate on samba at lists.samba.org So I'll just answer on this one and discard the post on samba-technical < Hi, < I have to linux server and using samba beetwen all win xp and win7 clients. < I need to have som SAN box that working az raid 5 and backup. < What I find is just supporting windows OS not Linux. < Do you have any sugastion? < Thanks a lot, < Best regards, < Nasrin Khatami, < nasrink at skarpnack.fhsk.se Don't mix up SAN and NAS, both are 2 different things ;) You are probably talking about a NAS than a SAN What do you mean about "just supporting windows and not Linux"? If they support SMB/CIFS or any protocol such as FTP, SSH, etc., you'll be able to use them from your Linux _________________________________________________________________ Learn more ways to connect with your buddies now http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9734388 -- To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba -- To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba