Dear All, I have installed the current version of Slackware Linux which includes samba-2.2.8a. My previous system had samba-2.0.7 with the utmp patch by David Lee applied. The original/patched utmp support had a 'utmp hostname' parameter to select between logging by hostname or netbios name. This very useful parameter is missing from 2.2.8a. IMHO this is a real pity. Is this an oversight or was there a reason for this? Even worse, 2.2.8a actually logs by IP address rather than hostname despite the relevant variable in smbd/utmp.c being 'hostname'. My machine is running bind so I presume this is intentional? If so it seems a bit ugly -- I mean eg. telnet connections are logged in utmp/wtmp by hostname if one exists. One other thing: My old system ran with 'security = share' and the new one I've configured with 'security = user'. I found (after much initial puzzlement) that this was necessary on 2.2.8a to get the utmp logging to work! I have a 'username map' file with entries like; !unixuser1 = Windows user1 !unixuser2 = Windows user2 myguest = * where myguest is a real user (with passwd & smbpasswd) passwords. I have some 'guest ok' plus 'guest only' shares which should be accessible to everyone -- eg. public access printer and readonly /pub directory. My 'objection' is that utmp/wtmp logs connections to these public shares as being from user myguest, despite the remote PC user not knowing/specifying the password for myguest. I have a 'guest account nobody' global record in smb.conf where the nobody user is password-less. Surely utmp/wtmp should log such connections as coming from nobody (as the patched 2.0.7 + 'security = share' system does). Again, this seems misleading and undesirable. I'm tempted to try back-porting the 'utmp directory' feature into 2.2.8a -- Are there any pitfalls I should be aware of? Thanks Tom Crane