I have a configuration where I'm using Mandrake 9.1 and I have another computer on a very small network that is running Windows ME. The windows machine is (I think) set up to allow sharing of the 'My Documents' folder and its referred to as 'MYDOCUEMENTS'. I've tried to connect the Linux machine to that folder with no success. I get bad password. On the last attempt I was using: smbmount //<ME machine name>/MYDOCUMENTS /mnt/MYDOCUMENTS -o credentials=<credential file>,ip=,rw I saw something in the documentation that mentioned something about there being a bug in the use of password and that's the reason for the credential file. I tried setting up a username and password for the Linux machine on the ME that didn't work. I tried using the username and the password associated with that folder, that didn't work. Where am I going wrong? Tom Williams