I have a RH 7.2 machine running poptop 1.0.1 (I've tried 1.1.4 too). I can connect from my office using my DSL line and I have no problem smbclient'ing my system. I have to specify the IP, but that's ok. I have a user connecting from a remote location using AOL and a Win98 SE PC. When he is connected (connection is no problem using dial-up networking) I cannot smbclient him. I responds as if I've used the wrong name. I thought the name might be hosed and had him change it, but no change. If I do an nmblookup -A <IP> it reports the name as I am smbclient'ing it, but no luck. Any ideas why I'm having this problem? The remote user needs to print, which is why I'm trying to share his printer with the network. I'm someone as a solution to printing remotely as well as setting up a text session that would be fine too, but as this point Samba and PoPToP seems like the best way to go.