I've just setup a file server for my school (small private school) I've created 2 groups "adm" and "students". being the adm, I can access all of my students folders but when I log in as one of the students, I can "see" the folders but I CAN'T ACCESS them.. I get the reply "share names not listed". all the folders have open access, I've removed all the security and I still can't go into the students folder... where should I look to solve this small but P.I.T.A problem (Pain In The A**) I'm using MDK 8.2 prosuite on the server the student workstations are 2 M$98 boxes and 1 M$ ME the adm station is MDK holla back if more info is needed.. -- Gavin c/o GES Japan Register Linux user # 199685 Sent 2u on a M$ free system!!