Previously, my samba server had been operating in the same immediate IP range as the clients using it. Both samba and clients had static ip addresses of xxx.yyy.230.zzz. Just recently, the organization using the systems converted to a DHCP system for all the clients. Now, the samba server remains with its original static xxx.yyy.230.zzz address. The clients, however, are now assigned addresses in the xxx.yyy.152.zzz address range (both are used by the organization). The problem is these clients are now giving the error that they can't locate the domain server, and thusly they aren't logging onto Samba. Obviously it is a problem related to the change in IP, but I dont' have a great deal of experience with Samba, and I'm hoping someone can tell me what configuration changes need to be made to the server to accomodate the new client addresses. Thanks. note: neither the hosts allow or hosts deny settings are currently specified -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed
Do you have a WINS server set up? I think that would solve your problem. Set the Samba server to act as WINS server (assuming the organization doesn't have one, otherwise, point both the server & the clients to the existing one). - john --On Thursday, March 21, 2002 12:16 AM -0500 Cyber Dog <> wrote:> > Previously, my samba server had been operating in the same immediate IP > range as the clients using it. Both samba and clients had static ip > addresses of xxx.yyy.230.zzz. Just recently, the organization using the > systems converted to a DHCP system for all the clients. Now, the samba > server remains with its original static xxx.yyy.230.zzz address. The > clients, however, are now assigned addresses in the xxx.yyy.152.zzz > address range (both are used by the organization). The problem is these > clients are now giving the error that they can't locate the domain > server, and thusly they aren't logging onto Samba.