2002-Mar-14 17:01 UTC
[Samba] ADVERTISING: JobConnect - where people find jobs
Good News for Job Seekers! As you may have heard, there is a real service that is designed for and dedicated to servicing you, the Job Seeker. That service isJobConnect. Currently we have thousands of openings with Real Companies for everyone from entry-level candidates to the most experienced professionals. Come towww.jobconnect.biz and take advantage of our special offer. Remember, JobConnect also provides services for its members, includingResume Rewrites andInterview Prep Coaching. JobConnect is all ADVANTAGE Your resume becomes accessible to thousands of employers in your local market or nationwide. Have access to search Real Job Openings with Real Companies nationwide. Employers are targeted and marketed to constantly, and the service is free for them to use. Have access to our Job Seeker's Advice column, offering you insight to help you in your search. You have access to a membership services that will improve your chances for employment. Dont Sell Yourself Short& JobConnect has jobs for EVERYONE! To unsubscribe to our newsletter, please go to http://www.unsubscribe.info and simply enter your email address. We respect your Online Privacy. This is not an unsolicited mail. Under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress this mail cannot be considered Spam as long as we include contact information and a method to be removed from our mailing list. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed