---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 09:22:41 +0000 (GMT) From: "M.L. Nongkhlaw" <mark@shillong.meg.nic.in> To: smb-clients@lists.samba.org Subject: Anyone using SCO Lyrix 6? Dear all, I'm using Samba version 1.9.15p8 for Unixware 2.01. There is a SYSV style script called smbprint.sysv for enabling printing to Win95/98 client printer. I have integrated this into the lp subsystem with the command lpadmin -psmbprinter -v/dev/null -i/opt/lib/samba/smbprint where smbprint is the renamed version of smbprint.sysv. When I use lp -dsmbprinter test.txt, test.txt prints OK at the printer connected to my Win95 client, but I am also using SCO Lyrix 6, SCO Foxbase 2.1.1 and SCO Professional. I'm having problems to set up these apps to use smbprinter. For SCO Lyrix 6, there is a utility /usr/lib/wp6/pconfig for configuring printers, but I have tried this utility without any success-Lyrix still prints onto my Unix printer. As we have lots of printing jobs to be done daily using these apps, I would very much appreciate if someone could help. TIA Mark.