Hello, I have a home-network consisting of a Win 98 box, a Win NT 4 box, a Win2k (now Whistler) box and a Linux 2.2.16 Server acting as internet router and WINS/FileServer for the windows boxes. Now after I updated the Windows 2000 system to Microsoft Whistler Beta Build 2410 I am no longer able to access the Workgroup hosted by the WINS-Server or any shares in it, if I try to access it from within explorer (I get the Message: "Ghetto [name of the workgroup] is not accessible.\nThe network is not present or not started."). An ipconfig call from whistler shows that it has the correct ip-adresses assigned for itself and dns/wins/gateway and that it is using the correct node-type for wins (peer-to-peer). The server is running samba 2.0.7 and password encryption is enabled. -- Best regards, Atmosfear mailto:Atmosfear@bigfoot.com