We've inadvertently discovered a bug in the client_name function when our dns was temporarily damaged. We have a "hosts allow" function that has IP addresses only to contrain mounts to within our network. When clients would attempt to connect, if their reverse IP lookup failed - in theory just to log the name of the connecting host, the originating IP address was being mangled and the connection denied. The log entries are shown as follows [2000/04/18 15:42:19, 0] [lib/util_sock.c2000/04/18 15:42:19:, 0client_addr] (li b/util_sock.c1035:) client_addr getpeername failed. Error was Transport endpoint is not connected (1035) getpeername failed. Error was Transport endpoint is not connected [2000/04/18 15:42:19, 0] lib/access.c:check_access(262[) 2000/04/18 15:42:19, 0] lib/access.c:check_access[(2622000/04/18 15:42:19) , 0] lib/util_sock.c:client_addr[(2000/04/18 15:42:191035, 0) ] getpeername failed. Error was Transport endpoint is not connected lib/util_sock.c Denied connection from ( :client_addr(1035) [ getpeername failed. Error was Transport endpoint is not connected 2000/04/18 15:42:19 Denied connection from ( , 1] smbd/process.c:process_smb[(6082000/04/18 15:42:19) , 1] smbd/process.c:process_smb[(6082000/04/18 15:42:19) , 0] lib/util_sock.c:client_addr[(2000/04/18 15:42:191035, 0) ] getpeername failed. Error was Transport endpoint is not connected ib/util_sock.c Connection denied from As a result, even systems that met the IP address criteria within the "hosts allow" parameter were being denied access. I would imagine there's some sort of buffer overflow or pointer mangling taking place, but (ALAS) it's been YEARS since my job duties included programming. We've also seen a number of sporadic server authentication failures under "server = domain". Initially I thought it to be a loading issue so I pointed each Samba server at a different Domain Controller. The domain controllers are logging an event 5722 (The session setup from the computer XENA failed to authenticate. The name of the account referenced in the security database is XENA$. The following error occurred: Access is denied. ) The following error messages were logged by Samba - /var/log.smb.tedward2: cli_nt_session_open: cli_nt_create failed on pipe \NETLOGON to machine CATERPILLAR. Error was ERRDOS - ERRpipebusy (All instances of the requested pipe are busy.) /var/log.smb.tedward2: domain_client_validate: unable to open the domain client session to machine CATERPILLAR. Error was : ERRDOS - ERRpipebusy (All instances of the requested pipe are busy.). /var/log.smb.plov2000: connect_to_domain_password_server: unable to connect to SMB server on machine CATERPILLAR. Error was : code 0. /var/log.smb.plov2000: connect_to_domain_password_server: unable to connect to SMB server on machine CATERPILLAR. Error was : code 0. Since the message in the event log indicates the actual Samba server name, there could be a problem in the RPC code. It manifests istelf on the client as a password prompt and if they retype their password the connection is allowed. Please let me know if additional logs and higher log settings will help. I will be glad to supply whatever information is necessary to resolve the issue. Scott ============================================================== Scott Armstrong In the days before volcanoes Department of the Army were invented, lava had to be Night Vision and Electronic hand carried down from the Sensors mountain and poured on the AMSEL-RD-NV-SSA-NS sleeping villagers. 10221 Burbeck Road This took a great deal of Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-5806 time. armstron@NVL.ARMY.MIL Voice (703) 704-1764 Fax (703) 704-1953