Here's a fun way:
in smb.conf add:
message command = /usr/local/bin/popup %f %m %s; rm %s
where /usr/local/bin/popup contains:
XAUTHORITY=/var/gdm/:0.Xauth /bin/echo Message from $1 on $2 \
| /bin/cat - $3 | /usr/X11R6/bin/xmessage -display :0 -file -
now note that either:
1) /var/gdm/:0.Xauth is world readable (command runs as daemon)
2) you've run: xhost +`hostname`
3) Somehow popup is running as root (and can read /var/gdm/:0.Xauth)
I use choice 2 out of laziness. The XAUTHORITY variable is set only makes
sense if your server uses it (run: "ps auxww | grep X" and check for
"-auth" command line parameters). Also note, "message
command" contained
a security bug in versions prior to 2.0.5a so NOBODY USE THIS IN OLDER
Also it's good to note I put the "rm" in the smb.conf so when you
popup you don't accidentely delete /etc/hosts....
On Thu, 21 Oct 1999, Steve Snyder wrote:
> I'm running Samba v2.0.5a on a RedHat v6.0 system. This server
> provides SMB shares to Win98, OS/2 and Linux clients. Everything is
> running fine with the Win98 and OS/2 clients, but I have a few
> questions regarding Samba and Linux clients.
> 1. Is there a way for Linux systems to receive SMB messages?
> Something analogous to Windows' "WinPopup" or OS/2's
> Messaging" applications?
> 2. If there is no way to receive SMB messages on a Linux system, is
> there at least some way to know that a given machine cannot accept
> messages? Right now I have no way to determine if a given machine
> (i.e. one running Linux) cannot receive messages.
> Thank you.
> *** Steve Snyder ***