Hi Paul,
You mention that Locking=No may be a problem of data integrity. Doesn't
Clipper have its own record locking? I don't know Fox, but could it be that
you need to somehow enable record locking? That's how it works in Clarion.
By the way, there's a new Open Source version of Clipper coming out that
runs on all platforms including Windows and Linux. Now you can (drum roll
please) recompile your Clipper apps for Linux.
You can get more info at:
At 02:48 AM 10/15/1999 +1000, Paul Lacatus wrote:>
> I have a very nasty problem on a small network using a linux 2.2.5-15
and Samba 2.0.3 (RH 6.0)>server and two clients Win95 and Win98.
> I have to use a program of commercial administration made in clipper
. On Novell servers this>program works fine but on Samba server It does not allow that the two
stations access the same file>concurrently.
> The same problem is shown when in Fox Pro I am trying to use the lock
function on the same data>base from two stations.
> Problem is:
> 1) After setting a DBF.file on non exclusive access and locking a
record of this file with the>lock function on the other station ALL the records of the DBF file looks
like locked instead of>just one as settled.
> 2) After setting locking=no in smb.conf NONE of the records of the
DBF file is seen as locked>from the second station.
> So the Locking parameter in smb.conf makes ALL the records locked for
Yes and NONE of the>records locked for No instead only one as settled.
> I need very much an advice how to make the program working well since
a Locking = Yes does not>allow the program to be used concurrently and a Locking=No may be a
problem of data integrity.>
> Thanks for all of you that have any suggestion
> Paul