Hi, I have a major problem with permissions on files that are rsynced from Strato Hidrive to a local machine (Win 7 Ultimate x64 SP1 German). The permissions for the source file (e.g. an executable like: Xshell.exe) are: Everyone with Full control (inherited from the root of drive D:) Now I sync that file to the destination machine (Strato HiDrive) with: "D:\Users\Jack_Walter\Tools\Rsync\bin\rsync.exe" -v -P -h -rlt -z --chmod=a=rw,Da+x --modify-window=2 --delete --exclude-from "/cygdrive/D/Users/ Jack_Walter /Tools/Rsync/hidrive_excluded_files.txt" -e "/cygdrive/D/Users/ Jack_Walter /Tools/Rsync/bin/ssh.exe -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l Jack_Walter -i /cygdrive/D/Users/ Jack_Walter /Tools/Rsync/.Keyfiles/ Jack_Walter /ssh2_strato_ Jack_Walter " "/cygdrive/D/Temp/Xshell.exe" Jack_Walter @rsync.hidrive.strato.com:"/public/updates/Users/Eigene\ Bilder/" One step later I sync the same file back to the local machine with: "D:\Users\ Jack_Walter \Tools\Rsync\bin\rsync.exe" -v -P -h -rlt -z --chmod=a=rw,Da+x --modify-window=2 --exclude-from "/cygdrive/D/Users/ Jack_Walter /Tools/Rsync/hidrive_excluded_files.txt" -e "/cygdrive/D/Users/ Jack_Walter /Tools/Rsync/bin/ssh.exe -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l Jack_Walter -i /cygdrive/D/Users/ Jack_Walter /Tools/Rsync/.Keyfiles/ Jack_Walter /ssh2_strato_ Jack_Walter " Jack_Walter @rsync.hidrive.strato.com:"/public/updates/Users/Eigene\ Bilder/" "/cygdrive/D/Users/ Jack_Walter /Downloads/Users - Eigene Bilder" Ok, the new permissions for the file are: Everyone Read (allowed) Jack_Walter Read & Write (allowed) None Read (allowed) As you can see, I can't even execute this file because neither Everyone nor the current user (Jack_Walter) has the execute right. I'm using the 4.1.0 package of cwrsync with rsync 3.0.8. I've tried to change the rsync options to e.g. --no-p --no-g --chmod=ugo=rwX, used --fake-super, created an D:\Users\ Jack_Walter \Tools\Rsync\etc\fstab file with: none /cygdrive cygdrive binary,posix=0,user,noacl 0 0 but the fstab option seems only be viable if _both_ machines are using it and I have no control on what Strato HiDrive does. How can I avoid these weird permissions on the resynched local file? It would be the best option if all files only get the inherited permissions from the drive they are synched too. Regards, Jack