Again, in a nutshell: it's as though --whole-file is being specified..
though i'm quite sure it's not implied in this case.
From: Julian Pace Ross
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 2:11 PM
Subject: speedup remains 1
Hi List,
I'm observing a strange problem on 2.6.9 (no opportunity to upgrade on both
ends yet).
Receiver is linux, sender is cygwin.
I transferred a 6GB file (an MS SQL .bak file) physically from one site to the
other, in order to get the first "backup" done.
In the meantime, the sender generated a new file, which I know for a fact to be
very similar to the manually transferred version.
I'm trying to rsync the new file with:
rsync -av --delete --omit-dir-times --chmod=ugo=rwX -b --backup-dir=backup
--progress -e "bin\ssh -l user" --files-from=templist
The problem is that the file, backup.bak is being transferred from scratch...
several hours at the max bandwidth (with no speedup).
I cannot complete the transfer like this, but never in 4 hours did the transfer
speed exceed physical network upload limit.
The file is indeed the same one, since it is not being deleted, and in the
directory i get:
-rwx------ 1 user users 6351191494 2008-05-06 19:30 backup.bak*
-rwx------ 1 root root 493617152 2008-05-07 12:31 .backup.bak.2UIWpi*
Anyone got a clue to what might lead to this?
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