On 8/10/07, Samuel Vogel <samy-delux@gmx.de>
wrote:> I'm wondering why rsync stop without any message regarding that it is
> finished.
> So I ran in verbose mode and I'm wondering if this:
> _exit_cleanup(code=20, file=log.c, line=230): about to call exit(20)
> _exit_cleanup(code=20, file=log.c, line=230): about to call exit(129)
> Is the normal exit code, or if something went wrong?
Something definitely went wrong. Code 20 (RERR_SIGNAL) means rsync is
quitting because it received a signal: SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP.
However, the file/line location is in the logging code. This suggests
that rsync tried to print a message explaining that it was quitting
due to the signal but failed to print the message for some reason.
You might start by investigating what sent rsync the signal.