Hi, I found a behaviour of rsync I cannot explain. 1) rsync -vaS --delete-after --include-from=/etc/rsync.inc --exclude-from=/etc/rsync.ex / server:/ 2) rsync -vaS --relative --delete-after --include-from=/etc/rsync.inc --exclude-from=/etc/rsync.ex / server:/ I sync most of one server to another as a fallback server. I had the relative option first (dont know anymore why), then switched to the one without it recently. I found out that before were some dirs not synced correctly, especially some files and dirs not on the sending server were not deleted. The two lines above should do the same as I understand it because I sync from server1:/ to server2:/, so it may be the same if I use --relative or not. Can someone explain this behaviour? That were really kind. Thanks. -- Klaus L?fflad http://tshirtshop.dyndns.org
What version of rsync are you using? This behavior sounds like a bug that was fixed in rsync 2.6.5 (search the OLDNEWS file for "omission"). Matt
Wayne, thanks for your reply.> have just checked-in a fix for this. I'd like to see your exclude > and include rules so that I could check to see if there are anyThis is the rsync call: rsync -vaS --delete-after --include-from=$INCLUDE_FILE --exclude-from=$EXCLUDE_FILE / $SERVER:/ This is my exclude file (sorted for this mail): /backup/workstations /boot/ /dev /etc/*.env /etc/conf.d/hostname /etc/conf.d/local.start /etc/conf.d/net /etc/crontab /etc/distcc/hosts /etc/env.d/ /etc/fstab /etc/group /etc/hosts /etc/mtab /etc/passwd /etc/resolv.* /etc/rsyncd.conf /etc/runlevels/ /etc/samba/smb.conf.inc /etc/shadow /etc/ssh/ssh_host* /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf /home /mnt/ /opt/distributed.net/ /proc /root/ /sys/ /tmp /usr/tmp/ /var/cache/dhcp* /var/lib/dhcpc/ /var/lib/init.d/ /var/lib/logrotate.status /var/lib/nfs/ /var/lib/ntp/ /var/lib/slocate/ /var/lock/ /var/log/ /var/run/ /var/spool/ /var/tmp/ My include file is empty.> other problems. I'd also need to know the name of a file that got > unexpectedly excluded.Unfortunately I dont remember the exact filename of one of these files, because after I removed the --relative option the files u requested me to name were deleted due to --delete-after. IIRC it was something like /etc/init.d/._cfg0000_bootmisc (maybe something else instead of 'bootmisc' or located directly in /etc/). Thanks a lot for your interest. Beste Gr??e Kapit?n Klaus -- --> http://surfen.der-kapitaen.de Die gr??ten Schwierigkeiten liegen da, wo wir sie suchen. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe