Personnaly I use --partial option, preventing from retrieving data severall
times if it fails: it works like a charm for me.
David LIMA
Professional Services
-----Message d'origine-----
De?: Eberhard Moenkeberg [mailto:emoenke@gwdg.de]
Envoy??: samedi 11 d?cembre 2004 22:28
??: rsync@lists.samba.org
Objet?: Re: rsync to retry if copy failed - possible?
On Sat, 11 Dec 2004, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:> Eberhard Moenkeberg wrote:
> > On Sat, 11 Dec 2004, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
> > > I want to be 100% sure that rsync copies something from one
location to
> > > another.
> > >
> > > However, I did not see an option which would make rsync retry an
> > > if
> > > it failed for whatever reason (network was down when rsync
started, or
> > > network
> > > went down during rsync was copying something, connection timed
out etc.).
> > >
> > > For example, wget has an option like --tries=number Set number of
> > > to
> > > number. Specify 0 or inf for infinite retrying.
> > >
> > > Is there something similar in rsync? If not, are there any ways
to achieve
> > > a
> > > similar behaviour?
> >
> >
> > rsync has a very differentiated set of return codes.
> So is it really the only way?
> Restarting rsync if the exit code was different than 0 (success) means it
> to recalculate everything again.
> With archives when there are a lot of files this means waste of time, CPU
I see, but...
> Are there any other options?
An option "retry n times" would make sense only for some very special
situations. I am not sure if there are some, but you surely have to do a
full restart-from-beginning if the other side does not respond any longer.
And "retry n times" would make no sense in almost all cases of other
errors where rsync currently is aborting the whole thing...
So I guess it is up to find concrete situations next where the idea would make
sense in practice.
Error code 12 subcase "max sessions" looks like a candidate, but you
an entry in the server admin's /etc/hosts.deny if you do not pause at that
Cheers -e
Eberhard Moenkeberg (emoenke@gwdg.de, em@kki.org)
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