Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "pourraient".
2015 Aug 26
New users not visible within webmin
...ive this e-mail in
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2006 Nov 15
PAM authentication to Active Directory
...est strictement interdite.? Si vous avez re?u ce courriel par erreur, veuillez en aviser imm?diatement l?exp?diteur et le supprimer de votre syst?me. Notez que la transmission de courriel ne peut en aucun cas ?tre consid?r? comme inviolable ou exempt d?erreur puisque les informations qu?il contient pourraient ?tre intercept?s, corrompues, perdues, d?truites, arriv?es en retard ou incompl?tes ou contenir un virus. ?
2004 Dec 11
rsync to retry if copy failed - possible?
I want to be 100% sure that rsync copies something from one location to
However, I did not see an option which would make rsync retry an
operation if it failed for whatever reason (network was down when rsync
started, or network went down during rsync was copying something,
connection timed out etc.).
For example, wget has an option like --tries=number Set number of
2023 Feb 20
wininet deprecation
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2013 Jun 08
Call for Papers to SETIT 2014. 24-28 March 2014 Malaysia
Merci pour la transmission de cet appel ?? tous ceux et celles qui pourraient y ??tre int??ress??s
Conf??rence Internationale HMI 2013
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que l'unit?? de recherche SETIT et son partenaire l'ASDF viennent de conclure un accord. Cet accord pr??voit l'octroi d'une bourse d'un montant de 150$ et l'h??bergement gratu...
2006 Nov 14
cant save to smb from apps?
I set up a samba share on a fedora core 5 box.
I am able to drag and drop files to it, but when I try to save from an
app, I get a message saying disk is full. These are all XP home clients.
When I tried to share from an XP pro client it worked.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
thanks, Josh.
2023 Feb 21
wininet deprecation
On Tue, 21 Feb 2023, Selke, Gisbert W. writes:
> On Mon, 20 Feb 2023 15:58:33 +0000, Stadler Thomas <thomas.stadler at vpbank.com> wrote:
>> as the download method 'wininet' is deprecated, I'm looking into alternative ways to install packages from within R.
>> Unfortunately, curl, libcurl and wget refuse to cooperate with Kerberos on our corporate setup.
2006 Nov 16
password strength
I have Samba PDC with an LDAP backend. I just realized that the users
can reset their passwords to anything, a single character a space. Is
there anyway to prevent this?
2006 Aug 07
unwanted conversion of date formats in 2.3.1 to character
...ir que les communications par messagerie electronique arrivent en temps utile, sont securisees ou denuees de toute erreur, alteration, falsification ou virus. En consequence, HSBC France et ses filiales declinent toute responsabilite du fait des erreurs, alterations, falsifications ou omissions qui pourraient en resulter.
Consider the environment before printing this mail.
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2023 Feb 21
wininet deprecation
On Mon, 20 Feb 2023 15:58:33 +0000, Stadler Thomas <thomas.stadler at vpbank.com> wrote:
> as the download method 'wininet' is deprecated, I'm looking into alternative ways to install packages from within R.
> Unfortunately, curl, libcurl and wget refuse to cooperate with Kerberos on our corporate setup.
> When exactly will the 'wininet' method stop working? R
2006 Nov 15
AutoCad and ArcView
Hello all,
Just curious if anyone else has a SAMBA server that is serving up
AutoCad and ArcView files to users on Windows.
We are utilizing a RAID 5 setup on dual 2.8 GHZ
Intel Controller card (all latest firmware, BIOS etc...etc..)
Only 4 users are accessing the server, but it seems after a few days the
server starts to choke up, lock files, and it causes a hardware issue.